Développements junguiens : Individuation Magazine

Anima, Animus, Individuation, Archétype, autant de concepts laissés à notre disposition et à notre réflexion par Carl Gustave Jung, éminent Psychologue et Psychiatre suisse (1875-1961).Individuation Magazine est une publication de la Société OTT Partners Ltd située à Londres et qui anime de nombreux séminaires en Europe sur le thème de l'approche junguienne. Ce Magazine en ligne est une véritable invitation à la découverte de l'univers junguien. Univers particulièrement riche et dense alimenté des nombreuses explorations effectuées au fil du temps par celui qui s'avoua vite rebuté par l'aspect matérialiste de la doctrinne freudienne. Ses convictions étaient bien différentes et trouvaient leurs origines notamment dans l'étude des contes, des rites, des arts, des religions et même des doctrines ésotériques comme l'alchimie et l'astrologie.Individuation Magazine souhaite d'une certaine manière établir le lien avec l'héritage de la pensée junguienne au travers notamment de la diffusion d'informations relatives aux lectures, aux formations et aux différents échanges susceptibles d'éclairer les personnes désireuses de s'initier à cette approche particulière de la psychologie humaine.

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Become a Training Partner for OTT Partners Ltd and/or an Exclusive ditributor of IJTI-Process® in your country

OTT Partners Ltd Training Consulting Coaching Optimizing Talents & Transitions
OTT Partners is an International publisher & training organisation specialising in jungian typology.
This dynamic company has made a name for itself bringing an innovative type questionnaire in the jungian world : the IJTI-Process® .
OTT Partners is seeking driven trainers and educators to work with them
in a freelance capacity.
If you want to become a Training Partner and/or an exclusive distributor
of the IJTI-Process® in your country, please contact Neil BOWDEN : ott.partners@yahoo.co.uk

Identification of Jungian Type & Individuation Process


The IJTI-Process® questionnaire is a personality assessment designed to provide feedback about an individual's patterns of behavior. The assessment is published by OTT Partners and is based on the theory of psychological types by Carl G. Jung. The IJTI-Process® can be very helpful for undecided students and adults in several ways. It can show how an individual likes to make decisions, acquire information and organize his or her life. The IJTI-Process® can also demonstrate what types of career environments may be best suited his or her personality. With the information provided by the questionnaire, individuals can clearly investigate what careers and work environments may best match their preferences. By utilizing the IJTI-Process® students and even adults are able to construct a more accurate perception of their individual career interests and personal strengths.

The IJTI-Process® questionnaire is available in English, French, German and Russian. Only Certified IJTI-Process® Practitioners can administrate the questionnaire. Before being eligible to become a Certified Practitioner one must first become a Qualified Practitioner with at least one or two years of experience in the use of the IJTI-Process® questionnaire.

IJTI-Process® is an official trade mark of OTT Partners Ltd London. The publisher provides training in Jungian theory and specifics instruments as IJTI-Process® and Team Map Resources®. Successful completion of one of these specific programs certifies practitioners to purchase materials upon which the trainings are based. Certification training is also available internationally through the OTT Partners network of Training Partners and distributors.

Contact: Neil BOWDEN

Découvrez le musée imaginaire de Jung.

Découvrez le musée imaginaire de Jung.
INTP, Jung avait un imaginaire très développé comme le montre ce superbe ouvrage publié chez Stocks. On y découvre que le psychologue était également un artiste qui se livrait à la peinture, au dessin et à la sculpture dans sa maison de Bollinguen à Zurich, au bord du lac.